Trinity Park - September to October 2016Chelsey and I (Pamela) are enjoying a 3 week stay in Trinity Park. Marley is used to children being home with him all day so his owners were happy to find us to house-sit and pet-sit whilst they take a family holiday. Since our clients have little girls too, we didn't have to pack up all of Chelsey's toys and bring them with us this time as there are plenty of toys here for Chelsey to play with. The dates fit in perfectly between 2 other previously booked house-sits so it couldn't have worked out better for all of us. The location is near the university and Pamela has to sit 3 exams there during this house-sit. These are all things to be considered when taking on a booking.

Marley and Chelsey enjoying a play

Above: Max and Chelsey enjoying a cuddle
Below: Simba and Chelsey playing in the yard